Since the last time I’ve written here... a lot has changed. March 2020 was the beginning of the “great lockdown of 2020”, but I’m not sure if that was really seen as coming on. The past 6 months have been decently crazy, and I’m not sure if this isn’t just a click past my “normal” (please remember that normal is a relative term).
The reason I say that this is a click past normal is that I live by myself, and I can definitely work from work. There are people in far worse spots that I am... our economy has had the bottom drop out, parents have had to buy computers or upgrade the internet for their kids to be at home, and ultimately I’m ok being by myself. The biggest issue I’ve had is that I need to eat more, since I rarely eat when I’m at my home alone... I should also clean my house up.
Since I’ve been home:
* I’ve gotten to learn my camera more, and have come to appreciate how manual shooting works.
* I’ve gotten to see the wildlife that lives in my “backyard” (by that I mean the sediment pond and wooded area behind my house).
* I’ve worked on a Moon Project, that will come out at some point shortly. There’s only a few people that know this is even occurring, and fuck if I know who reads this. (PS: it’s better that way, since I feel like nobody reads this and I can write what I’m really thinking).
* I’ve gone out to play golf some, and have been hitting the ball better than I have in years. It’s started to feel good again.
* I got to appreciate the Tour de France again, and spent the three weeks with someone I haven’t really talked to in years.
* I’ve gone on a date, albeit a clusterfuck of a day.
* I’ve gotten better at being alone and being ok with it. I’m putting less pressure on myself to find someone to love, and just living my life the way I should. I make a good amount of money, especially for being single, and should be able to travel, enjoy concerts, and do things on my own.
I believe it’s time to get live back to moving toward a life before the “great lockdown” occurred. I’d like to go out and be with my friends... going to a concert or watching sports together. Ultimately things like FaceTime and Hangouts have helped to bring people together... even ones I thought were gone. Until everyone comes back together though, I’m doing well, and watching the world being a much less actually social place that it was 6 months ago.
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